HAM Radio 3.2
Ham Radio Version 3.2 (Chestnut CD-ROMs)(1993).ISO
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Text File
268 lines
To get a complete help listing type "H ALL". You may also enter
"H xxx" where "xxx" is the command for which you need help. You may
enter as much or as little as necessary - i.e. "H R" or "H READ"
will send complete help for the READ command. "?" will give you
quick brief menu help. Commands currently detailed are:
(B)ye CHAT CMDS DIR (D)ownload (F)ind(T)ext
(I)nfo (K)ill (L)ist LU (N)ame NAME
(R)ead RMAIL (S)end Type (U)pload VER
(V)iew (#) (@) ($) (-) (~)
# $
($) Enter this symbol in a LIST or READ range specification to
signify 'last message number".
# -
(-) Enter this symbol as part of a specification of a range of message
numbers to be read or listed. For example: R 123-456 would read all
available messages in that range, while R 123 456 would read only those
two messages.
# @
(@) Enter this symbol to indicate the BBS of the addressee, for proper
forwarding of the message to its destination. The message, no matter
to whom addressed, will be forwarded to the "@ BBS" location.
# ?
<?> - gives a simple Mailbox Command Summary
<? ALL> - gives a summary with brief one line descriptions
<? <command> - gives the one line summary for that command only
# ~
<~p> - print current contents of message entry buffer.
<~q> - same as /ABORT. (Quit)
<~r filename> - read in a file from the BBS and append it to the message.
<~m #####> - same as ~r except append message number ##### to this message.
<~?> - quick help.
<B>ye - logs user off the system, disconnects, and updates the records.
Chat - try to chat with the Sysop; if he is there he will break in.
Any command or Return before the request times out will return you to
the normal mailbox prompt.
<CMDS> - Lists mailbox commands currently available.
<DIR [path]> - list of files in the download area of the BBS. Pathname
may be included to list subdirectory files, or a search may be done
on a filename pattern.
<DIR> - will do a directory search, listing file names and sizes.
<DIR ffff.xxx> - will do a search on the filename pattern entered.
<DIR ddddd> - will do a search of the subdirectory path specified
<D path\filename> - Download or read a file from system. Pathname is
needed for a file in a sub-directory. Slash or Backslash
is used as the separator.
<D filename #### - download first #### of the file.
<D filename -#### - skip first #### bytes of the file then start download.
<D filename #### ####> - download starting at #### and stop at #### bytes
of the file specified.
The number additions will allow you to download a part of a file to
see if you have read it before, and the <from> to <to> numbers will
allow you to read a file in parts.
The file system of PRMBS is based upon the tree-structured directory
used in MSDOS and other systems such as Unix. This program supports
up- and downloads of files and directory listings of files on this
system as well as from remote PRMBS hosts. The system recognizes a
special 'addressee' in mail created by the GET and GETDIR commands,
which creates a request to a remote system to return a file or a
directory listing.
eg. " GETDIR AMSAT KD6TH " will cause a message to be
sent to KD6TH requesting a return message listing all
files in the AMSAT subdirectory of that BBS. The reply
will be automatically addressed to the originator of the
first message.
" GET AMSAT/OSCAR10.TXT KD6TH" will cause a message to be
sent to KD6TH requesting that the file named be sent back
to the originator of the request.
<FT [string ### ###]> - is a variant of List which will display only
those messages in which it <F>inds the <T>ext <string> requested
in the TO, FROM, AT, or TITLE fields of the message header. It is
case insensitive, converting to upper case before comparing.
# FT
<FT [string ### ###]> - is a variant of List which will display only
those messages in which it <F>inds the <T>ext <string> requested
in the TO, FROM, AT, or TITLE fields of the message header. It is
case insensitive, converting to upper case before comparing. The
messages will be displayed as a normal list and then the first message
that contains the string has its header redisplayed and the user will
be prompted to 'view the message?'.
see also HELP READ
<GET [filename host]> - sends a message to a remote host (BBS) system
requesting transmission of the named file. The file will be sent
as a message to the originator at his home BBS (if listed). The
filename should be a complete path/filename description.
eg: " get AMSAT/OSCAR10.TXT KD6TH "
<GETDIR [dir host]> - sends a message to the remote host requesting a
list of files in the named directory. A return message will be
generated from the remote host to the originator with a listing
of the directory specified. The "dir" should be a complete path
to the directory wanted.
eg: " getdir *.* KD6TH " or " getdir AMSAT KD6TH "
<GETQTH [call,call,...call] [host]> - sends a message to a remote host
(BBS) supporting the Buckmaster CDROM Ham Callbook. You may request
multiple calls separated by commans with NO spaces. Currently only
WA4ONG has this capacity.
HEARD - gives a list of the most recent stations monitored by and
connected to this BBS.
<HELP [command]> - Gives a summary of the Help Subsystem. When a command
is specified gives a detailed explanation of that command.
<HOME> - Will list user's current home BBS as carried on this BBS.
<HOME [BBS Name]> - Permits entry of a preferred home BBS at which to
receive mail. Mail received at this BBS will be automatically forwarded
to the Home BBS entered by the user.
<I>nfo - gives an paragraph on the hardware, software and rf facilities
of the mailbox station
<K ## ## ## ## ## ##> - which will kill a specific message(s) by number
if and only if you are the recipient or author of the message. Up to
eight messages may be killed in a single line command.
<KM> - to "Kill Mine", which will kill all your read messages
<KT ####> - kills an NTS message and generates a return 'service message'
Generally lists messages in reverse order, newest to oldest. "Private"
messages not to or from you will not be listed.
<L>ist - list all new messages since your last log-in.
<L ####> - list messages back to and including number ####
<LL ###> - list the last ### messages.
<FT [string] ### ###> - lists only those messages which contain the
Find Text "string" in the header line.
Three special List commands are:
L> [call] - list all messages to this callsign
L< [call] - list all messages from this callsign
L@ [call] - list all messages addressed at this BBS callsign
see also HELP TYPE
# LU
<LU> - displays all users of system, name, homebbs, last logged, times on
<LU call> - displays to user the same info about one user
<MAIL [call1 call2.... calln]> - sends the message to be entered to all
the listed stations. All recipients are notified of the list of addressees.
The calls may take the form of a single call or " CALL@BBS ". There
must be NO SPACES between the Call and the @ sequence.
<MAIL> - displays all messages addressed to the user. An asterisk (*)
next to the message number indicates an unread message. The messages
are then redisplayed one by one offering a choice to the user to
c,e,k,q,r,s,v,?, [cr] :
c - change direction, i.e. scan back up the list to a message skipped
e - edit the header of the message, you can re-address it, etc
k - kill the message, if its type T it will ask if you want a service
message generated
q - quit the mail sub-system
r - read the message without displaying mail forwarding headers
s - send a reply to the sender of that message
v - view the entire message with mail headers
? - mini menu of the commands
[cr] - will skip that message and move to the next one (same as ENTER])
<NAME xxxxx yyyyy> - enters user's first and last name into the data base.
<NAME> - will list the user's name as carried on the BBS.
<MAIL> - Lists all your messages an '*' will be next to the message number
of any message that is unread. You have the option to edit the header of the
message (to re-address it to someone else), read/view the message, kill
it, send a reply to it, or skip it by. All messages read or unread are
presented to you so to keep the size down it is wise to kill messages once
they are read to keep the soze of the display down.
<R ## ##-## ##-## ## ... ##> - read multiple message(s) and/or ranges
of messages by number(s).
<Rx CALL> - 'x' may be the symbol for TO '>', FROM ('<'), or AT ('@') and
a CALL, the system will present all messages addressed TO FROM or AT that
CALL , if the user is priveleged to see that message.
<FT text_string> - this is a list command but after preenting the list the
user is presented each message header and asked if he wishes to view the
message. The "? (y/n/q)" is used to select, skip, or quit the loop, by
simply entering the appropriate character and hitting return.
<RMAIL @destbbs addr addr addr addr .... addr> - this is a 'remote' mail
function. Sending a message in this fashion is the same as using the
MAIL command except that you specify a destination bbs to which a single
copy of a message is sent. At that BBS the message is 'exploded' into
one copy for each addressee.
<S xxxx @ yyy> - send message type '?' to station 'xxxx', at optional
BBS 'yyy'. BBS will prompt for title and ask you to enter text.
End text entry with a ctrl-Z or /EX.
"@ yyy" is an optional BBS address
a certain amount of editing and on-line help is available using the
tilde (~) character.
see also HELP TYPE, HELP ~,
<ST xxxx @ yyy > - send NTS traffic type message, the T type qualifies it
special handling and viewing on system, plus increased accountability.
<U [path/filename]> - upload a file to the name given (path optional).
For example: U maps/eastnet.011
Reject will occur if filename already exists.
# V
VIEW a messasge is identical to the READ command except that it displays
the entire message including all forwardsing headers.
see also HELP READ
<VER> - version will disply the version of the MailBox program being
run and disk space available in kilobytes.